
48hr Project

Ideas, ideas... wearing type. Well what's out there already?
Tattoos permanent and temporary

Brand advertising, on babies no less lol. I suppose this is a rather similar idea to tattoos but used for advertising?

OUCH! Reminds me of when I was younger when a friend and I thought it would be cool to write our names on our arms with Deep Heat lol

Wish I thought of that <3

Shaving type into your hair? Can't seem to make out what the middle picture says though??

Love the hand bags, a great way to recycle old computers lol

The famous Little Factory Type Scarf

Typography nail art courtesy of WAH! Nails

My favourite Tatty Devine Jewellery

How else can you wear your type?

Henry Holland tights <3

Found Victoria Contreras on the, the pieces are very beautiful and are actually  quotations from various famous poetry and prose like Virginia Woolfe etc


What could I make?? I think after lots of sketching I think I'm going to try and design some shoes. I love buying unusual shoes.

I've been rummaging through my shoe collection and researching various unique shoe designers who design shoes that you wouldn't see many people wearing, well except for Lady Gaga.



lol I tried to make a heel out of cardboard and paper mache but it was unsuccessful. I had to stand on my toes because the paper was shaped for my feet to be arched like when you wear heels. I would have tried to Photoshop in heels but I couldn't really get the heels shadow to look right :(

Project 3 Kinetic Type - Memories

Examples of kinetic type on you tube...

Seeing as Christmas is drawing nearer I asked my nieces what were their fondest memories of Christmas. I managed to video about 12 minutes of footage of them talking about everything from brussel sprouts to watching the Doctor Who special every year. 

So instead I got them to talk about the first time they watched Doctor Who (seeing as how we're all so obsessed with it lol.)

Even found a few Doctor Who Kinetic Type vids on you tube for inspiration.

Shame this one has embedding disabled 

Original Vids 

Original Sound File

After I exported the animation from flash the sound went out of sync. I've only used flash a couple of times so I can't seem to figure out this problem. I've tried tweaking a few frame and the following is as close as I can get it. Disappointing really.


Water Is Life

Final ideas for Water Is Life Poster...

I think I might have got a tad carried away with the distort and warp tools on PS??


Project 2 Water Is Life

I've been doing a bit of research into previous Water is/for Life Posters that are available. So far they all seem to have recurring themes. 

The primary use of the colour Blue. Naturally this is because blue is the colour associated with water.

Photos of third world children, usually used to evoke an emotion like sympathy or even guilt.
Various water related images such as taps, glasses, bottles, droplets and splashes.

An image of the Earth as 71% of the planets surface is covered with water. 

I think I will try to create a poster using typography to represent clean safe water or maybe highlight the dangers of unclean water and the diseases it can spread. I may even experiment with some photography so I can use it as a background or base for the poster?

Just some rough ideas so far....