Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for adults, children and infants.
Constant repetition of colours on posters and leaflets: White, Green, Yellow and Red.
Divided into 3/4 steps: Call 999/112
Tilt head back, cover mouth with yours and blow. Give 2 breaths.
If still not breathing, begin chest compressions. Push down at least 30 times.
Continue until help arrives.
Most posters that are located in schools/crèche's/nurseries have images more colourful images, catchy slogans and friendlier models usually cartoon characters that will grab the children's attention.
something funny instead?
Burns & Scalds
Been on the receiving end of one too many of these at work.
Hate this Burnshield product, it stinks!
Numero Uno: Paramedic Assist
Ok, project one: Paramedic Assist
What can I do to help Paramedic's in their field? I think I will try to design a series of informative leaflets and posters for a business work space. They could be specifically tailored for different working environments, for example CPR steps in a creche, what to do for serious burns and scalds in a kitchen.
While researching I've come across and am still browsing through various pk presentations.